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This paper deals with the question of political and human/minority rights in the region of Kosovo & Metohija ten years after the „March Pogrom 2004“ and fifteen years after the NATO’s military aggression on Serbia and Montenegro and occupation of the region. An importance of this research topic is in a fact that for the first time in the European history a terrorist-style and mafia-ruled (quasi)independent state was created by a full diplomatic, political, economic, military and financial sponsorship by the West under the umbrella of the NATO’s and the EU’s protective administration. The precedence of Kosovo’s self-proclaimed independence in February 2008 already had several negative „domino effect“ consequences elsewhere in Europe (the Caucasus, the Crimean Peninsula…). The aim of the paper is to present a current situation in Kosovo & Metohija and possible consequences of the Kosovo case for the international relations and the post-Cold War world’s order. In this short analysis of the situation in present-day Kosovo & Metohija, in order to realize our research goal we used the comparative method, the method of analysis of the text and the method of the mutual complement of the data from the sources and literature.

кључне речи:


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периодика Српска политичка мисао 1/2014 УДК 323.12(=163.41)(497.115)”2004” 267-283