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The aim of the paper is to present the results of the evaluation of the volunteer satisfaction to the psychodrama groups ” Helping the Helpers ” (HH) in the program “Big brother, big sister” (BBBS). The BBBS program is a program of external support for children in which a volunteer, through a permanent relationship and interaction, provides the child with psychosocial support for a period of 20 months. HH represent a group of psychosocial support activities for volunteers in the SBSS program. Psychodrama meetings take place on average once every two months for a period of 2.5 hours, using group method. HH is based on these theories and perspectives: the prevention of vicarious trauma and combustion syndrome, the perspective of social work in establishing a positive relationship with the client, sensory binding theory, perspectives of strength, theory of mentoring work, anti-perceiving and anti-discrimination perspectives. User satisfaction data HH and certain aspects of HH were collected based on the response of volunteers in the Final Report. The evaluation included 33 volunteers of the BBBS program. On a scale from 1 to 10, they rated the service with an average score of 9.26 for all four cycles. Individually observing each cycle: the first cycle with 9.8, the second with 9.7, third cycle with 7.9, fourth with 9.3. The most important for volunteers is Group Support and Experience Sharing. The most suggestions were for more frequent groups, more regular attendance of volunteers and better compatibility termins of groups with volunteer obligations.

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PERIODICS Social policy 2/2020 2/2020 УДК 364.4-058.862(497.11) 95-115