Тема броја
The paper pays attention to the potential role that the social control theory has in the improvement and development of previous Information-Communication Technology (ICT) Policy. Online activities are daily routine of people all around the world. Emerging information and communication technologies create numerous challenges and issues how to regulate its use. ICT policy interests are closely related to concern of social order in cyberspace. The development of ICT possibilities at the same time follows development of new cybercrime forms. The ICT policy needs to explore new strategies and theoretical integration that transcend the existing criminological frame. The sociological theory of social control to a significant degree may predict and explain crime and how people define and respond to deviant behavior. How social control theory may order individual behavior in cyberspace? May it help prevention of cybercrime and maintain more safer and conscientious use of the internet? The following article provides an analysis of the possibilities of social control theory in maintaining the order in cyber society. Throughout the article, the social control theory is discussed by content analysis scientific method. Main purpose of the paper is to encourage concerning use of social control mechanisms as one of the effective tools for regulation in cyberspace and prevention of cybercrime.
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