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Тема броја

Conflict in Ukraine



The Russian special operation of capturing the Crimean Peninsula represents a highly complex military-political operation, carried out by the Russian Federation at the end of March 2014, shortly after the color revolution in Ukraine. With the skillful, lightning-fast and daring engagement of its military forces and special services, Russia captured and established itself in Crimea in a short time, to the surprise not only of official Kyiv, but also of the entire international public. Using available legal and political mechanisms, Russia supported the implementation of a series of activities that resulted in the declaration of independence of the Republic of Crimea and its accession to the Russian Federation.

кључне речи:


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    • Carlsson, Märta, Johan Norberg, and FredrikWesterlund. 2013. „The Military Capabilities of Russian Armed Forces.“ In eds. Jakob Hedenskog and CarolinaVendil Pallin, Russian Military Capability in a Ten-Year Perspective– 2013. Stockholm: FOI.
    • Defense Intelligence Agency. 2017. Russia Military Power: Building a Military to Support a Great Power Aspirations. United States: Defense Intelligence Agency.
    • Granholm, Niklas, and Johannes Malminen. 2014. „A Strategic Game Changer?.“In A Strategic Game Changer? Rude Awakening Ramifications of Russian Aggression Towards Ukraine, eds. Niklas Granholm andJohannes Malminen, pp. 9-17. Stockholm: Swedish Defence Research Agency FOI.
    • Howard, Colby, and Ruslan Pukhov. 2015. Brothers armed: military aspects of the crisis in Ukraine. East View Press.
    • Kofman, Michael, Katya Migacheva, Brian Nichiporuk, Andrew Radin, Olesya Tkacheva, and Jenny Oberholtzer. 2017. How Russia Annexed Crimea, Lessons from Russia`s Operations in Crimea and Estern Ukraine. Santa Monica: RAND Corporation.
    • Mazzar, J. Michael. 2015. Mastering the Gray Zone: Understanding the Channing Era of Conflict. New York: Strategic Studies Institute and U.S. Army War College Press, Carlisle Barracks.
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    • Norberg, Johan, Franke Ulrik and Fredrik Westerlund. 2014. „Тhe Crimea Operation: Implications for Future Russian Military Interventions.“ In eds. Niklas Granholm andJohannes Malminen, A Rude Awakening Ramifications of Russian Aggression Towards Ukraine, pp. 41-50. Stockholm: Swedish Defence Research Agency FOI.
    • Pejić, Igor. 2019. „Ruske vojne hibridne operacije u Ukrajini: prilagođavanje strategije i taktike savremenoj strukturi rata.“Međunarodni problemi, str. 423-446. Beograd: Institut za međunarodnu politiku i privredu, Vol. 71, br. 4. doi: https://doi.org/10.2298/MEDJP1904423P.
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периодика Политика националне безбедности 2/2022 2/2022 UDC: 321.013(477.75)"2014" 49-65