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Тема броја




In 2020, there was an attempt in the Republic of Belarus of a fulminant “colour revolution”, or, in other words, “colour blitzkrieg”, aimed at overthrowing President A.G. Lukashenko, coming of the radical opposition to power and the subsequent dismantling of the social and state system of the republic. The article considers a number of features of the “colour blitzkrieg”, which together point to its Nazi character: the use by the protesters of the white-red-white flag, which was a symbol of Nazi collaborators during the Second World War, as well as the use of hymns written by collaborators; aggressive cries of “Long live Belarus!” on the model of Nazi exclamations; desecration by protesters of monuments to F.E. Dzerzhinsky and V.I. Lenin; the ideology of radical nationalists based on Russophobia and anti-Sovietism, and the program corresponding to this ideology for the decommunization and de-Sovietization of Belarus, breaking allied relations with Russia, as well as statements about the formation of a new Belarusian nation; calls of the radical opposition to stop the country’s economy and its hatred towards the supporters of President A.G. Lukashenko; the participation of the collective West in organizing a “colour blitzkrieg” to put pressure on Russia in order to subsequently establish control over its territory and resources. It is concluded that in order to avoid a repeat of the “colour blitzkrieg” in Belarus, denazification will have to be carried out, aimed primarily at preventing the spread of the ideology of Belarusian radical nationalism and preventing the destruction of the Soviet historical and cultural heritage.

кључне речи:


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периодика Политичка ревија 2/2022 2/2022 УДК 323.269.3(476)“2020“ 175-183