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Conference: Elections – Democracy – Covid-19. Lessons from Europe.

Online event: February 24, 2022


Conference “Elections – Democracy – Covid-19. Lessons from Europe” is a novel event,
conceived by the University of Warsaw, Poland, and the Institute for Political Studies, Belgrade,

The aim of our initiative is to foster the scholarly debate around the problem of Covid-19’s
impact on democracy in Europe, with a particular attention given to the elections held in times of
the pandemic and under extraordinary conditions.

Apart from the research focused on the impact of pandemics on electoral conditions and
outcomes, we also welcome papers researching broader electoral topics: rules and
representation, elections and the state of democracy in hybrid regimes and flawed democracies,
European Parliament elections, performance of populists, emergence of the greens, and the
(lack of) appeal of mainstream parties, along with other trends in party systems of Europe.

It is our distinct pleasure to invite researchers interested in elections, political parties, and
democracy to showcase their research, present findings, and engage in a debate with
colleagues from all over the continent. We accept proposals from both quantitative and
qualitative approaches, as well as from all disciplinary perspectives.

Application is open until September 30, 2021.

There is no registration fee.

Draft papers should be sent by February 5, 2022.

The online event will be hosted by the University of Warsaw, on February 24, 2022.

Researchers will have the possibility of publishing their papers in the peer-reviewed thematic volume of the journal Srpska politička misao (Serbian Political Thought), issued by the Institute for Political Studies, Belgrade, in mid-2022. The publication will not require any fee or additional cost.

Key dates and deadlines

● September 30, 2021 - deadline for applications
● October 10, 2021 - decision on applications
● February 5, 2022 - draft paper submission deadline
● February 24, 2022 - conference - online event
● March 31, 2022 - final version of papers submission deadline (optional)
● June 30, 2022 - thematic journal publication

Application instruction

A 200-word abstract of your proposal, with 5-8 keywords, your institutional affiliation and contact
details, should be sent to: [email protected]

Please select the provisional panel for your presentation from the list below and indicate it in the

● New reality: Covid-19 and elections
● Electoral rules and representation
● Political competition in hybrid regimes and flawed democracies
● EU elections: Do they still matter?
● Populism in times of the pandemic. Enduring or evolving?
● Greens, alternatives, new parties
● Other/open section

Should you have any questions, please contact:
Spasimir Domaradzki, University of Warsaw: [email protected]
Dejan Bursać, Institute for Political Studies Belgrade: [email protected]