Ivana Jovanović

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The current migration policy in the European Union must be considered through the both dimensions – internal and external. The internal dimension of migration policy concerns the incorporation of European regulations in the member states, as well as the immigrants integration in resident Member States. Another important dimension of migration policy refers to external actions of the European Union and relations with third countries and regional and international organizations. The migration policy and current immigration crisis affect external relations of the European Union and third counties placed on migration routes, as the countries of origin or transit countries. In order to understand migration flows and the European Union policies in this area, it is important to take into account position, roles and relations with transit countries. These countries, based on their geographical position on the migration route, have gained an enormous significance for the European migration policy, but also faced with many challenges for the political situation, security and socioeconomic situation on their territory. The unreliability of their position is marked by constant migration pressure and new inflows, as well as by signed agreements with the European Union related to readmission, security and border protection. The aim of this paper is to point out the main elements of the relations between the European Union and the transit countries, as the external dimension of the European migration policy.