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Political science has been interested in the research of populism for a considerable time, but recently there has been a proliferation of the literature on the topic. However, the recent populist tactics of political parties in Serbia have been relatively underresearched. The literature already suggested that the ruling Serbian Progressive Party is a populist party, but populist elements of Serbia’s mainstream opposition have been disregarded. This article aims to contribute the literature by analyzing populist elements of both governing and opposition parties in their recent discourses. Among many interpretations of populism, the article attempts to unwrap its characteristics that featured prominently in the literature, with the aim to partially simplify understanding of the complex phenomenon. The article is important because pointing to recent populist tactics of political parties could be important for a polity, and it could help understanding phenomena which could potentially adversely affect the democracy. The article concludes that the spread of populist tactics could have alarming consequences. They obstruct the EU integration of Serbia, as well as the transfer of democratic values and norms. Furthermore, political offer has diminished value for reform–minded citizens. Finally, the citizens have a limited potential to object to the political offer.

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