Main topic




The purpose this study is to provide a comprehensive illustration od military activities in the Republic of Turkey, analyzing the position and the role of the army in the political system of this country. First of all the role of army leaders in founding the Republic at the beginning of the 20th century will be presented in order to make later influences easier to understand. Then the institutional evolution of Turkish army as well its fall after 2002 will be shown in chronological order. Consequently this provides and opportunity to make more general conclusion regarding the nature of the Turkish system. To sum up, the analyses of military coups from 1960 to 2016 will provide data on the influence and consequences of army activities in the developments of the Republic of Turkey. Modern day trends of marginalization and diminishing of the power of Turkish army will be discussed and analyzed. To be precise, the ultimate conclusion to be drawn from this research points out to fact that Turkish army gradually became victim of its own misconceptions and mistakes. The final section of this study deals with the series of events which represent the climax of continuous frictions in civil–military relations that had existed for decades.

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PERIODICS Political Review 3/2020 3/2020 УДК 355.02(560)(091) 211-234