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In the recent years, a growing number of the developed states has incorporated the human security concept in their national security policies. Likewise, this trend has been noticed in a certain degree in the Republic Serbia since adopting the National Security Strategy in 2009. Yet, with the adoption of the new National Security Strategy in 2019, there has been some changes in that aspect. Having in mind the role and significance of the National Security Strategy in polistrategic system in the Republic Serbia, or the fact that it is the top strategic document of the hierarchy in the Republic Serbia, the author aims to analyze the scope of the implementation of the human security in the national security policy of the Republic Serbia, to identify existing indicators of the human security concept, but also to identify those that are unjustified missing. Speaking about the quality of life of an individual, as a key component of the human security concept, by comparative analysis of the National Security Strategy 2009 and the National Security Strategy 2019, the author attempts to point out present regression in the tendency of respecting the significance of an individual security and safety, along with highly emphasized accentuation of the state as a dominant referent object of the security. Furthermore, by content analysis of the National Security Strategy 2019, the author aims to introduce omissions and oversights in the phase of the security environment analysis, the identification of the key security challenges, risks and threats in the Republic Serbia, as well as in the phase of formulating national interests and specific goals for their realization, that conjointly result in (in some aspects) marginalized respect of the human security in the total national security. In the conclusion, beside recognized weak points and flaws, the author points out derelict topics that are significant for personal/individual security, but also suggests that the ignorance of the two phenomena- poverty and corruption – could potentially have major negative implications on the whole society. Eventually, the author calls for urgent and necessary adjusting, or, precisely, adding the human security concept to the state-centric approach.

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PERIODICS The Policy of National Security 1/2021 1/2021 UDC: 342.7:355.02(497.11)“2019“ 75-109