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During the global health crisis caused by “Covid-19” virus pandemic, along with struggling to preserve human lifes and health, a scientific community is mobilizing against so-called infodemia. This media “epidemic” is also spreading globally, as cacophony of endless untruths, misinformation, false news and media manipulations, jeopardizing a public’s competence to understand such an important discourse that frames life and death issues. Using an analytical and critical scientific approach and relevant theoretical framework including international legal norms, the aim of this study is to discuss information policy instruments applied in the Republic of Serbia during this pandemic crisis. Applied measures are observed as a part of Covid-19 crisis management. The subject of the research covers the period from the first registered Covid case in Serbia to а state of emergency cancellation, due to the epidemic curve decline (March 6 – May 6, 2020). The results of the study show characteristics of information policy measures in defined period: inconsistency, disproportion and political instrumentalization. Information policy instruments applied in managing this crisis have oscillated between insufficient seriousness in perceiving the problem and panic public warnings. Proportionality of measures such as information centralisation attempts and arrests of journalists and whistle-blowers, are disputable from the point of view of the European Convention on Human Rights and the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights.

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PERIODICS Political Review 2/2020 2/2020 УДК 616.9:316.776(497.11)“2020“ 243-263