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European Concept of the Young Bosnia Movement


This paper is also an attempt to light up dimensions of depth of the political, social and economic factors in Bosnia and Herzegovina to the extent they encouraged members of the Young Bosnia movement (Mlada Bosna) to a decisive action. And indeed, to which extent did the assassination result from the social and political circumstances which were prevailing in a country where members of Young Bosnia were born and raised. The Young Bosnia members found their inspiration for the revolutionary action in similar youth organizations formed amongst the unfree nations of Europe since 1831. Through their activities they persistently propagated: the philosophy of nationalism and democratic political doctrines, building of national consciousness, creation of cult of national energy, work on the creation of modern national culture based on believes that national culture cannot be without national society, and national society cannot be without national state.

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PERIODICS Serbian Political Thought 2/2014eng 2/2014 UDC 329.78(497.15)”1878/1914” 51-67