In the city of Thunder Bay, Canada, in the “Pixia” Literary Workshop, Dr. Misha Stojadinović’s book was published in English: “Neoliberal Myths and Reshaping the Contemporary World Order”. It is a scientific monograph that represents a kind of continuation of Dr. Stojadinović’s research on the neoliberal world order, its implementation in contemporary society and the social perception of it.
The foreword for the book was written by Dr. Zoran Milošević, Principal Research Fellow, while the book was translated into English by MA Dajana Lazarević. The book can be found in print at Pixia Literary Workshop in Canada, and is also available electronically on Amazon and Kindle, as well as the IPS Repository.
For his scientific contribution, Dr. Miša Stojadinović has been nominated for the Eurasian Fund Award in 2024, and we wish him to have his name on the list of winners this fall.