Disraeli’s Orientalism Reconsidered
In his influential Orientalism Edward Said placed British statesman and writer Benjamin Disraeli (1804-1881) in the long line of the Western writers who cultivated particular stereotypes about the Muslim East, with the hidden intention of imperial subjugation. . . .
How Can Contemporary Political Philosophy Become Applied Philosophy
In this article the author reflects on the idea of “double responsibility” of political philosophy – as responsibility towards reason and towards practice. Such analysis is presented with the challenge of neoliberalism as dominant world-view and therefore . . .
Ethnic Minority Policies as an Ethnic Cleavage Dimension Within Post-Communist Party Systems: Case Studies of Vojvodina Hungarians and Estonian Russians
Focusing on the case studies of Vojvodina Hungarians and Estonian Russians, the article aims to explain the persistence of ethnic cleavage in post-communist party systems. Ethnic cleavage is expressed in terms of ethnic minority policies pursued by political . . .
Ketman – Transideological Phenomenon or Concept That Masks the Fear and Opportunism
The research on the pluralistic nature of the phenomenon of “ketman”, which is at the same time as the art of duplicity, manifested in the sphere of (political) communication, social- psychological and psychological level is the main topic of this paper. . . .
Cultural Diplomacy in Action: The United States’ Export of Hip Hop to the Muslim World
Among its other manifestations, the globalization has brought unparalleled development of the music platforms, logistically supported by the widespreadness of Internet. This article elaborates on the specific type of music-based diplomacy: hip hop diplomacy. . . .
Standards of Appellate Review in the International Administration of Criminal Justice
Proceedings before contemporary international courts and tribunals are truly international, without counterpart in national legal systems, and that is also a characteristic of the proceedings on appeal. The author discusses standards of appellate review, namely . . .
Mihailo Marković on Conservatism
This paper focuses on an analysis of political and scientific reflections by academic Mihailo Marković, with special review of the links existing between ideology and science. Unlike ideology, whose scope is limited in terms of value and science, Mihailo . . .
Is Nation State Still Possible? – Dissolution of State-Centric Order of Modernity –
In this paper we will attempt to show how modern nation-state model is jeopardized by current globalization trends to the extent that its institutions are being dissolved and fundamental functional framework is at risk. The dissipation of the state-centric . . .
John Campbell, The Iron Lady: Margaret Thatcher, from Grocer’s Daughter to Prime Minister, Penguin Books, New York, 2011, p. 564.
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