Ana Budak

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Pravni fakultet, Univerziteta u Beogradu



This paper analyses the existing system of the protection against discrimination, with a particular focus on the relevant practice of the European Court of Human Rights and the Human Rights Committee referring to the discrimination of the minorities and the particularly vulnerable groups, such as sexual minorities and Roma. To answer the research question, the analysis of relevant practice was applied, upon which the conclusion were drawn using the inductive method. The conclusions refer to the stances on the prevention of discrimination of the two supervising bodies. The conceptual analysis has been used to clarify the meanings of the terms comprising the research paradigm. The synthesis of the existing theoretical knowledge, academic critiques and recommendation was used as a supporting method. The first section of the paper presents the relevant practice of the European Court of Human Rights, pointing out the prominent stances of the Court regarding the problem of discrimination. The second section presents the relationship between the tenants of the equality and the prohibition of discrimination. The third section of the paper focuses on the analysis of gender and sexual orientation discrimination, whereas the fourth section discusses the minorities discrimination, particularly the discrimination of the Roma. The final section concludes and presents concrete suggestions and possibilities of improvement of the existing protection system, as well as their practical implication. The research suggests that, although there has been more than a half century since the European Convention on Human Rights was adopted, and two decades since the Protocol 12 of European Convention of Human Right has banned discrimination, the answer to the question of the principle of the general prohibition of discrimination efficiency is ambiguous. However, as it still exists, the paper indicates that the particularistic tendencies are redundant and that it is more beneficial to work on developing the instruments for general promotion of the principle of equality among all humans, to emphasise the importance of tolerance and, in general, to accept the diversity.